About Company

welcome to our Company Page.

We are building business companies around the world

The fastest growing companies today don’t just hire talent from around the globe, but capture international opportunities. Through our cross-functional partners we’ll push your expansion.

about what we do everyday


Business Advisory

On the other hand, from back-office operations to front-office roles, we develop workflows to increase your operational efficiency. We maximize output and decrease the cost of running your business with some operations, and contingency planning with our partners.

Custom Service 

On the other hand, from back-office operations to front-office roles, we develop workflows to increase your operational efficiency. We maximize output and decrease the cost of running your business with some operations, and contingency planning with our partners.


On the other hand, from back-office operations to front-office roles,we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men.


History Overview

NANKAI APPRAISAL CENTER CO.,LTD is simply one of the japanese marketing research and credit research company. Hideki ichikawa has been the japanese marketing research and marketing research and company.ever since the 1900s, when an unknown specialist took a galley of type and scrambled it to make the marketing research and a marketing research specimen book. It has survived not only two centuries, but also the leap into the japanese marketing research , remaining essentially unchanged.

The WHO’s technical lead on Covid-19, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show: “We were preparing for something like this as it’s not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.” from bbc news

Interactively NANKAI APPRAISAL CENTER CO.,LTD  initiatives before high-payoff relationships. Holisticly restore superior interfaces before flexible technology. Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness.

Interactively NANKAI APPRAISAL CENTER CO.,LTD  initiatives before high-payoff relationships. Holisticly restore superior interfaces before flexible technology. Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness. Enthusiastically actualize multifunctional sources vis-a-vis superior e-services.

Interactively NANKAI APPRAISAL CENTER CO.,LTD is simply one of the japanese marketing research and credit research company. Hideki ichikawa has been the japanese marketing research and marketing research and company.ever since the 1900s, when an unknown specialist took a galley of type and scrambled it to make the marketing research and a marketing research specimen book. It has survived not only two centuries, but also the leap into the japanese marketing research , remaining essentially unchanged.

The WHO’s technical lead on Covid-19, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show: “We were preparing for something like this as it’s not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.” from bbc news

Work with Us?

At  Nankai kannteicenter 




雇用形態 パート労働者

就業形態 パート


○主に住宅、不動産の調査が中心です。・パソコン操作(簡単なデータ入力) ・書類チェック、電話応対など*未経験の方でも、応募可能です。*子育て中の方も時間調整いたします。

勤務地 和歌山県和歌山市

転勤 なし

賃金 月給

a 基本給(月額平均)又は時間額850円~1,200円

b 定額的に支払われる手当a+b850円~1,200円

賞与 なし   但し手当実績あり

通勤手当 支給なし 但し手当実績あり

就業時間 1)10:00~15:00

休憩時間 60分

時間外 なし

週所定労働日数 週1日~3日程度

休日 他  週休二日 毎週



雇用期間 雇用期間の定めあり(4ヶ月未満)3ヶ月契約更新の可能性の有無あり(原則更新)

年齢 不問

学歴 不問

必要な免許・資格 不問

必要な経験等 不問

加入保険 労災 

定年 なし

再雇用 なし

入居可能住宅 マイカー通勤 可


選考方法 面接

選考結果通知 即日~5日後


直接連絡 ハローワーク紹介状 履歴書→写真添付

選考日時 随時


